You may or may not have just celebrated Valentine's Day with the ones you love most and I cannot help but think of those who feel disappointed. It may be that the day did not meet your expectations. It may be that your spouse or children did not meet your expectations. It may simply be that life is not meeting your expectations. This may be your first Valentine's Day without your sweetheart. You may feel like you dropped the ball this year for your sweetheart. You forgot. You got busy and didn't get the best of the selection of gifts. Time got away from you or snuck up on you. It's not like you do not have a lot going on with work, raising a family, crazy weather, and surviving a pandemic! Also, you may feel lonely even though you're really not alone. You may feel as though you and your feelings really do not matter. You may not feel loved the way you desire to feel loved. I'm especially thinking of those that are out of the honeymoon phase of marriage. I'm thinking of those that are struggling with hard life decisions. I'm thinking of those that are facing an attack within the home. I'm thinking of those that are just disappointed in the season of life that they are in. You see, when you first start dating and get married, you do not see how anything or anyone could detour your love or your life plan. You're hopeful! You're positive, excited, and have high expectations. You may be broke but you're happy! You're overwhelmed with feeling loved and showing love. You cannot wait to experience life and love together. Then, life happens. Hardships come. Loss appears. Maybe it's a job loss or rejection. Maybe it's the loss of a loved one. It may be a transfer to a new location away from family and friends. Babies are born. Children grow up. Hard decisions have to be made. Sickness occurs. Exhaustion from work takes a toll. Regardless, seasons change and life gets a little harder and love takes more effort. Love is great but it's a commitment. Love can be hard! The Lord loves and gave an example of perfect love. Our loving God wrapped himself in flesh, walked among people and suffered, died on a cross, then rose again just for you and me. There was and is no greater love! He laid out a plan for love in Ephesians 5. He told us the greatest commandment in Matthew 22 was to love God above anything and anyone else. The second greatest commandment was to love our neighbors as ourselves. He told husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church and wives to submit to the husband. It's like a figure 8. Christ is the head of the man. The man is the head of the woman. The woman in turn gives honor to the man and submits to man. This is pleasing to God. The man gives honor and submits to God. It's very harmonious or at least it's supposed to be. It's like an umbrella of protection. However, we do not always live under that umbrella. We do not always love God most! We do not always love ourselves or our neighbors like we should. There is a lack of love. Marriages are under attack more than ever. The family unit is taking a hit like never before. The enemy is trying to attack our homes with a lack of love and it's disguised as selfishness, busyness, exhaustion, distraction, disappointment, depression, and rebellion. It's easy to get caught up with the issues of life! It's easy to get off track of the figure 8. If you're struggling with the love factor, start praying for the Lord to help you love the way he designed for you to love and pray for him to place you back on track. Love God most! Take it one step, one day at a time. Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. When you love someone, you talk to them. So, pray! Talk to God. Let the love of God cover you. Let the Lord pour his love out on you. This will strengthen your love for God and others! Love your spouse. Love others. Love others regardless of how they love you. This is hard! Love them by serving them. It could be offering a kind, encouraging word or a smile. It could be preparing a meal. It could be ironing clothes or picking up clothes from the cleaners. It could be leaving a note or sending a text. It could be not saying anything negative to them but offering support. It could simply be praying for them! If you're not struggling with showing love, but feeling love, pray for your spouse and children to love God most. Pray for them to love themselves more. Pray for their relationship with the Lord to blossom and flourish. Remind them of all the good things that they possess that you love about them. Pray for the ones you love most. Pray that they will feel your love and the love of God! If you have to love from a distance, then, love from a distance. It's ok! Prayer is a direct line! The Lord can bring people together with love. You may feel defeated. Things may not happen overnight. It may take some time but don't give up! When we are in right relationship with the Lord, we are on track, and under God's umbrella. Love God most. Love others. Let there be no lack of love! I pray that this is a blessing to and a strategy for you, your spouse, and your family.
Photo credit: Shelby Johnson