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Hey Mama!

Writer's picture: Tia ManascoTia Manasco

Let me start this blog by saying I hope that this writing is helpful for you on Mother's Day! This Mother's Day may be your greatest day of celebration filled with fun, excitement, and all the ones/things you love most. If this fits you; that is amazing and you should soak up all those moments because they will soon turn to sweet memories. Mothers or Mamas should be celebrated everyday in my opinion! Every season of motherhood is hard. Mamas hold it all together and wear a lot of different hats on a daily basis and do not always get the applause, recognition, and celebration they truly deserve.

Mother's Day may also be a day that brings sadness or longing. To the moms of littles who are exhausted to no end, I see you. To the mom celebrating with one child while grieving with another, I see you. To the mom raising a child that is not your own, I see you. To the mom who has experienced loss, I see you. To the mom who has lost her mom, I see you. To the mom who is away from her children, I see you. To the mom of teenagers, I see you. To the mom of sick children, I see you. To the mom who works outside the home, I see you. To the stay at home mom, I see you. To the mom who longs to be a mom, I see you. To the mom who never stops so she can be a present mom, I see you. To the mom that does not have the best relationship with her kids, I see you. Not only do I see you, but more importantly, God sees you!

In reflecting on Mother's Day and my role as a mom, I can't help but think about Hannah in 1 Samuel. Hannah was a woman of sorrow due to not being able to be a mom. She longed for a child! I have personally never experienced infertility but I have friends and family that have walked this road. I see from their experience it's not an easy road to walk. However, Hannah kept on keeping on. When I read 1 Samuel, her keeping on in prayer brought me so much joy and comfort. So much can change when we take our needs, desires, worries, concerns, heartaches, and anything that affects our hearts to the Lord in prayer! So, why do we stay silent? Why do we settle in regards to the promises of God? I think, sometimes, we give up too soon because being a mom is hard. Being a mom can be too hard at times and if you are like me, you are your own worst critic.

Hannah was sad. She was struggling! Life was hard. The Bible says Hannah lived with a sad heart. She was depressed and was provoked to depression by others. She was so down that she would not eat. Have you ever been there? If you haven't, you will. Children are our greatest blessings and greatest joy, but children or the lack of children can bring great heartache. I have been so upset, disgusted, disheartened, and so down that the very thought of food made me physically ill to my stomach over situations with children. I will tell you it is not a good feeling. This world is evil and is a dangerous place. The enemy is doing everything in his power to destroy our children. But, the way of the world should not stop us! It did not stop Hannah from praying to the God who has all power over the whole world. We need to realize who God is and who we are in him.

I recently went to a ladies conference and they talked about Hannah and how she changed her position and petitioned the Lord. 1 Samuel 1:10 says Hannah prayed. 1 Samuel 1:12 says she kept on praying. She stood up and cried ugly tears. The words "stood" and "cried" are verbs. They show what the noun or Hannah is doing. They show action! She did not just sit there in her sorrow. She stood up, prayed in her heart, and she poured her heart out to the Lord in 1 Samuel 1:15. She did not pray a simple or sweet "one and done" prayer. It was an "I'm not leaving until something changes" type prayer. In doing so, she got the prophet's attention and God's attention. The Lord could not refuse her prayer. Why? She kept on keeping on. She continued in prayer when it was not easy. She continued in prayer when she was heartbroken. She continued in prayer through her desperation. The Lord heard her cry and honored her effort, sacrifice, and prayer.

The Bible also speaks about how Hannah went her way and her face was no longer downcast. Why? She had a little talk with the Lord. She told him all about her troubles. He heard her cry. She was confident that he heard her cry.

We learn later that Hannah did have a child. Hannah was not selfish and did not keep her blessing to herself. She dedicated the child back to the Lord. In due time, 1 Samuel talks about how Hannah brought the child back to the house of the Lord, the place of prayer and worship. She made sure that her boy was in the house of God and a place of worship. So, what can we learn from Hannah this Mother's Day?

We can take comfort in that she was a woman of sorrow but that she persevered in prayer. She changed her position. She changed her face! That was a decision she made. She decided to be confident in the one who has all power. She kept on keeping on despite the hardships and heartbreak. She also made sure that her child was in the house of the Lord! We can learn from her example and apply to our own motherhood. We cannot let the sorrows of life silence our prayers. We can change our position and petition God over our hearts, homes, and families. Remember who He is and who you are in him. You've got this. God's got you and he's got this. Happy Mother's Day to you and yours!


I thank you for my children Lord. You trusted me to be their mom. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being a mom. I know I am not a perfect mom and they are not perfect children. We all have things that we need to work on. However, they are blessings to me and I know that I will miss these days one day. Give me strength! Help me to not get overwhelmed with things that really do not matter. Help me to change my face! Help me to change my position. Help me to persevere in prayer like Hannah. I don't want to settle for anything less than your perfect will. Help me to keep on keeping on despite their response and their decisions. My confidence is in you. Help me to be an example of faith and exude faith as Hannah did. Help me to make a happy home and memories with my children. I pray that you would help me to speak in gentle tones and remember that I set the tone and temperature of our home. I pray that we would celebrate our family more. But, most of all, I pray that my children would be saved. I pray that they love you and serve you with their whole hearts. I pray that they long for your presence and desire to be in a place of prayer and worship. I pray that they choose you. I pray that they make good and Godly decisions that glorify you in all things. Use them as vessels of honor for your Kingdom and don't let our family circle be broken in heaven. I pray for all the mothers on Mother's Day. For those who are full celebration mode, I pray you continue to bless their homes and families with joy and happy times. For those moms who are struggling today, show them your glory. Comfort them! Mend what has been broken. Heal hearts and homes. Give them strength and energy to change their position. I pray that every mother would feel and be celebrated today. In Jesus Name!

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